Ultimate Perfecting Serum

Highest Concentrated

Firmer skin after 3 daysII

LXP Serum Hero KV BG

We spent decades refining PITERA™, pushing it to its limit, using reverse osmosis to concentrate its 50 nourishing micronutrients. Thickened with a golden glow, this highest concentration of PITERA™ delivers even more transformational results faster.

Highest concentration of PITERATM I works quickly to deliver potent results with focused care, restoring vitality and elasticity to your skin.

LXP brings hyperspeed skin transformation through a revolutionary science. The latest research shows that skin’s energy cycle is the key to bringing out the best of skin with speed. It also reveals strong linkages between the activation of skin’s energy cycle and fermentation.


faster skin renewalIII


stronger skin barrierIII


improved hydrationIII

LXP Ultimate Perfecting Serum penetrates the skin deeply for rich nurturing effects and quick results.

Together with PITERA™,
Skin Regenerating ActiV™ augments the skin's fibronectin to improve skin integrity and provide long-lasting hydration at high speed.

How to use

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  1. Highest concentrated PITERA™ within the SK-II brand.
  2. Based on average test results for skin firmness and hydration conducted by P&G in May 2010, among 30 Japanese females aged 35-55 who used the basic formula of LXP Ultimate Perfecting Serum on forearms for 3 consecutive days. Compared with before use.
  3. Based on average test result of skin measurement on NADPH in a product use study conducted by P&G internal lab, among 29 females who aged 30-50, in 2012, Japan, use base formula of highest concentrated PITERA for 4 weeks.
  4. Refers to the youthful appearance of skin. Based on average test results for skin hydration conducted by P&G’s internal lab, among 20 Japanese females who used LXP Ultimate Perfecting Cream on the forearm after 12 hours of use. Results derived from comparison with internal control group. Actual results vary by individual.
  5. Based on technical skin measurement data in a product use study conducted in April to May 2011 by P&G and 3rd party agency (Ellead), among 36 Korean females aged 35-55 who used LXP Ultimate Perfecting Essence every morning and evening for 1 consecutive week. Refers to skin’s texture, glow, firmness and wrinkles. Actual results vary by individual.
  6. Based on average test results for skin hydration, texture and wrinkles, conducted by P&G from January to February 2012, among 30 Japanese females aged 37-49 who used the basic formula of LXP Ultimate Perfecting Eye Cream for 3 consecutive days. Actual results vary by individual.